понедельник, 6 января 2020 г.


Havnar Havnar 1, 2 2 gold badges 12 12 silver badges 33 33 bronze badges. Sign up using Facebook. Wireless tools for Linux is a collection of user-space utilities written for Linux kernel -based operating systems to support and facilitate the configuration of device drivers of wireless network interface controllers and some related aspects of networking using the Linux Wireless Extension. This information is updated each time a new packet is received, so each address of the list adds some overhead in the driver. Sign up using Email and Password. Otherwise I think I'll have to disappoint you, Google told me mac support has been phased out in the tool you are using. iwspy

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Without any argument, iwpriv lists the available private commands available on each interface, and the parameters that they require. Wireless tools for Linux is a collection of user-space utilities written for Linux kernel -based operating systems to support and facilitate the configuration of device drivers of wireless network interface controllers and some related aspects of networking using the Linux Wireless Extension.

Tell a Friend About Us. I have tried with iwspy command but it shows me.

No all wlan adapters implement or expose the API for "collection" - You have to try another one or find one that others suggest. Havnar Havnar 1, 2 2 gold badges 12 12 silver badges 33 33 bronze badges.

Using this information, the user may apply those interface specific commands on the specified iwspu. Note the this functionality work only for node part of the current wireless cells. In many Linux distributions, this package is included by default, or based on whether a wireless card is present.

Wireless tools for Linux

The Linux kernel authors consider wireless tools package deprecated [3] ; the alternative being the more recent iw utility. The address list is unique for each device, so each user should use this option to avoid conflicts.

Raspberry Pi Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for users and developers of hardware and software for Raspberry Wispy. Show your Support for the Linux Tutorial Purchase one of the products from our new online shop. General comparison Distributions list Netbook-specific comparison Distributions that run from RAM Lightweight Security-focused operating system Proprietary software for Linux Package manager Package format List of software package managers.

raspbian - iwspy does not work - Raspberry Pi Stack Exchange

For those reasons this functionality is mostly useful in ad hoc and master mode. It seems that your Interface doesn't support wireless statics collection Pages using Infobox software with iwspu parameters. Linux Linux kernel features Portal WikiProject.


PHP-Nuke comes with absolutely no warranty, for details, see the license. Coudn't open device, some information will be missing Device descriptor: This information is updated each time a new packet is received, so each address of the list add some overhead in the driver.


You can register for free by clicking here. It is used to manipulate parameters and setting of the Wireless Extension specific to each driver as opposed to iwconfig which deals with generic ones. By default, interface names are dynamic, and each network adapter is assigned the first available name eth0, eth You can help in many different ways. It can use a variety of selectors to match interface names to the network interfaces on the system, the most common selector is the interface MAC address.

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Retrieved from " https: Active 3 years, 7 months ago. The main argument is used to select a category of information, iwlist displays in detailed form all information related to this category, including information already shown by iwconfig. Cyrine Nasri Cyrine Nasri 26 1 1 gold badge 1 1 silver badge 4 4 bronze badges. Views Read Edit View history.

Sign up to join this community. You are an Anonymous user. The address must contain a colon: If it is not iwsspy installed by the distribution, it is usually easy to find in binary form.

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