суббота, 4 января 2020 г.


Check in about a week later and look at how you achieved your goal. Results of a research study evaluating WebEase, an online epilepsy self-management program. WebEase is also for those who need help with staying on track with their medication schedule, reducing their stress levels, or improving their sleep. The process results indicate that theoretical components that served as the program framework were successfully integrated into the program and that participants viewed WebEase as relevant, acceptable and easy to use. I already have a WebEase account and I want to log on. webease

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You can use WebEase regardless of where you are in life, or how long you have lived with epilepsy. WebEase meets healthcare-industry standards HIPAA for storing your personal information, so your privacy and confidentiality are always protected.

We believe that it is more effective when you figure out for yourself what works for you. Talk with your healthcare provider when you have questions.


Javascript is currently disabled. You can webese back as many times as you need. At the end of a module, set a small, achievable goal to improve the way you manage your epilepsy, your medications, your sleep or your stress.

Evaluation of WebEase: an epilepsy self-management Web site.

MyLog can wwbease you see patterns that may be related to your seizures. Self-management requires an active partnership between a person with epilepsy, their family or friends, and the health care provider. Users can set small, achievable goals to improve the way they manage their epilepsy and return later to see their progress. Find webesae that work for you. First, you answer a few questions about you and your epilepsy, such as: To receive email updates about this page, enter your email address: Links with this icon indicate that you are leaving the CDC website.

WebEase (Web Epilepsy Awareness, Support, and Education)

I am new to WebEase and I want to create an account. WebEase is for adults with epilepsy who are interested in improving the way they manage their epilepsy. Managing a condition like epilepsy can be complex and frustrating. Additionally, participants showed some improvement in epilepsy self-management, adherence, sleep quality, self-efficacy and social support following the program.

Going through a module, you: WebEase also includes MyLog, an online health diary that gives feedback about how their medication schedule, stress, and sleep may be related to their seizures. Receive personalized feedback based on your answers.


The program offers three learning modules: Keep a record webesse your seizures and look for patterns, so you can talk about them with your doctor. Each one plays an important role in epilepsy self-management: Sometimes webeaes treatment makes these activities harder, too. WebEase is different from other Epilepsy websites because it does not tell you what you should do. People with epilepsy have various education needs and must adopt many self-management behaviors in order to control their condition.

WebEase also includes MyLog, an online health diary for tracking seizures and seizure triggers, medications, stress, and sleep. WebEase will be particularly helpful for those who have been recently diagnosed with epilepsy. You can use WebEase regardless of where you are in life, or how long you have lived with epilepsy.


Wdbease can still read the page's content, but the layout will not work as designed. WebEase is also for those who need help with staying on track with their medication schedule, reducing their stress levels, or improving their sleep.


Using WebEase can help improve your self-management skills. Read information at your own pace and respond to questions. Get the support that you need. The initial results are encouraging and continued development of WebEase has the potential to facilitate education and self-management strategies among people with epilepsy.

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